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Welcome to Our Second Year!

Welcome to Our Second Year!

Volume II, Issue 1, October 2001

It's hard to believe, but with this issue e-Volunteerism begins its second year of publication. It has been quite an adventure to launch this electronic journal, with a steep learning curve. But it's been consistently heartening to interact with colleagues from around the world in this surprisingly intimate cyber-environment. We look forward to bringing you many new things in Volume II.

In addition to looking for worthwhile articles, we are having fun learning to use some of the opportunities of Internet technology. We hope you're enjoying things like our audio interviews, and ready-to-print mini-posters and training exercises. Watch for more variations to come. We know that we have not yet generated the amount of online reader response and exchange that is one of our goals with this journal, but its potential remains important.

In this issue, Steve and Susan reflect, with some humor, on the challenges in developing a truly-international publication. You'll also find articles on "wired friendships" between seniors and teens, an on-the-spot interview with the man who coordinated 62,000 volunteers for the Sydney Olympics (!), personal details about the risk-taking of two colleagues from opposites sides of the globe who did a work/life exchange - and many other varied pieces. Something for everyone, we think.

Volume II, Issue 1, October 2001